Hip-Hop class in Dream Zone

Live at Diamond Theatre, 20 June , 6:30

Dream Zone this Saturday will be full of fun. Our visitors will have a chance to dance together with the members of the Hip-Hop studio BREAK A LEG. For all lovers of this style of dancing, on 22.06 we have prepared a workshop with the members of professional hip-hop studio who will hold a free class for all interested children. The workshop will be led by well know hip-hop dancer, members of Break a leg, Joanna Poposka. At the workshop, the basics of hip-hop dance will be taught, and through basic movements, dancer and the team will animate the children so that they find it interesting, but also productive at the same time. As a surprise for all present, after the class the members of break a leg will have their performance.

6:30 - 23:30

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