Harmony of Macedonian flavours

Live at Diamond Theatre, 17 May , 12:00

Diamond Mall will be a host of Bazaar of Macedonian homemade products that will take a place from 17 till 19 May from 12:00 till 18:00hThis bazaar under the moto: “Harmony of Macedonian flavors” visitors will have unique opportunity to see, taste and buy variety authentic products like hazelnuts butter, hazelnut oil, truffle made products, kambucha, products made of poppy, almonds, ripe meat and deli, different types of cheeses, honey, as well as vine and beer produced in small family distilleries, wineries and breweries. These products can be very rarely found in supermarkets, so this is the perfect chance for you to buy something unique, tasty with perfect quality.

12:00 - 18:00

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